Gustav Klimt
Gustav Klimt

9”x12” graphite and gouache on toned tan paper

John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent

9”x12” graphite and gouache on toned tan paper

Wes Anderson
Wes Anderson

Oil Painting

8x10 Canvas Board

Akira Kurosawa
Akira Kurosawa

Oil Painting

8x10 Canvas Board

Adam McKay
Adam McKay

Oil Painting

8x10 Canvas Board

Steven Spielberg
Steven Spielberg

Oil Painting

8x10 Canvas Board

Ridley Scott
Ridley Scott

Oil Painting

8x10 Canvas Board

Michel Gondry
Michel Gondry

Oil Painting

8x10 Canvas Board

Robin Williams
Robin Williams

pencil and paper

Taika Waititi
Taika Waititi

9”x12” oil on gessoed paper

Sergio Toppi
Sergio Toppi

9”x12” graphite and gouache on toned tan paper


Portrait of a friend on Isla Verde Beach, PR. 11”x14” oil on canvas

Paul's Car
Paul's Car

Portrait of a friend, 24” x 18” oil on stretched canvas

Kurt Vonnegut
Kurt Vonnegut

9”x12” graphite on paper

Willie Nelson
Willie Nelson

8”x10” graphite on paper

Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix

8”x10” graphite on paper

Damn Fine Cup of Coffee
Damn Fine Cup of Coffee

Agent Cooper from David Lynch’s “TWIN PEAKS”

8”x8” hand illustration with digital composition


Agent Cooper from David Lynch’s “TWIN PEAKS”

8”x8” hand illustration with digital composition

The Giant
The Giant

from David Lynch’s “TWIN PEAKS”

8”x8” hand illustration with digital composition

Log Lady
Log Lady

from David Lynch’s “TWIN PEAKS”

8”x8” hand illustration with digital composition


from David Lynch’s “TWIN PEAKS”

8”x8” hand illustration with digital composition

The Man from Another Place
The Man from Another Place

from David Lynch’s “TWIN PEAKS”

8”x8” hand illustration with digital composition

Garland Briggs
Garland Briggs

from David Lynch’s “TWIN PEAKS”

8”x8” hand illustration with digital composition

Gustav Klimt
John Singer Sargent
Wes Anderson
Akira Kurosawa
Adam McKay
Steven Spielberg
Ridley Scott
Michel Gondry
Robin Williams
Taika Waititi
Sergio Toppi
Paul's Car
Kurt Vonnegut
Willie Nelson
Jimi Hendrix
Damn Fine Cup of Coffee
The Giant
Log Lady
The Man from Another Place
Garland Briggs
Gustav Klimt

9”x12” graphite and gouache on toned tan paper

John Singer Sargent

9”x12” graphite and gouache on toned tan paper

Wes Anderson

Oil Painting

8x10 Canvas Board

Akira Kurosawa

Oil Painting

8x10 Canvas Board

Adam McKay

Oil Painting

8x10 Canvas Board

Steven Spielberg

Oil Painting

8x10 Canvas Board

Ridley Scott

Oil Painting

8x10 Canvas Board

Michel Gondry

Oil Painting

8x10 Canvas Board

Robin Williams

pencil and paper

Taika Waititi

9”x12” oil on gessoed paper

Sergio Toppi

9”x12” graphite and gouache on toned tan paper


Portrait of a friend on Isla Verde Beach, PR. 11”x14” oil on canvas

Paul's Car

Portrait of a friend, 24” x 18” oil on stretched canvas

Kurt Vonnegut

9”x12” graphite on paper

Willie Nelson

8”x10” graphite on paper

Jimi Hendrix

8”x10” graphite on paper

Damn Fine Cup of Coffee

Agent Cooper from David Lynch’s “TWIN PEAKS”

8”x8” hand illustration with digital composition


Agent Cooper from David Lynch’s “TWIN PEAKS”

8”x8” hand illustration with digital composition

The Giant

from David Lynch’s “TWIN PEAKS”

8”x8” hand illustration with digital composition

Log Lady

from David Lynch’s “TWIN PEAKS”

8”x8” hand illustration with digital composition


from David Lynch’s “TWIN PEAKS”

8”x8” hand illustration with digital composition

The Man from Another Place

from David Lynch’s “TWIN PEAKS”

8”x8” hand illustration with digital composition

Garland Briggs

from David Lynch’s “TWIN PEAKS”

8”x8” hand illustration with digital composition

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